Crack Rocks of Wisdom


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Once in a while, I see shame in my mirror. Some mistakes just can't be changed

I am sitting here, reflecting on events in my life. Bad things happened to everyone, but it's the people who are in your life, that can make or break you during the most hellish times of your life . These are a few people who didn't break me. These people lifted me up when I couldn't stand anymore. I can't say I always treated them the way they deserved to be treated. I'm not perfect. I've made... more than a few mistakes in my life. I have to live with myself for the things that I've said and done or didn't do. I just want to acknowledge a few special people.

Anne - Without your support, I would have never left HIM. You made me feel beautiful and strong. You believed in me as a mother and a woman. When I was at your house, I felt normal. I envied the life you had built. You were my inspiration, my friend, my Reality check and my angel. I'm sorry for any pain I caused you, I know I caused many fights between you and your husband. I was F***ed up in the head at the time, but that's NO excuse Not a day goes by that I don't think about the friendship we had. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. I just wanted to say: Thank you Anne. PS, Mom say Sammy the other day. He's sooo happy with his new life as a trucker. He makes a great co-pilot. He no longer pukes in the car. LOL He's an only child and spoiled the way he deserves to be

Mary - You were in the same situation as I was and you got out. You not only got out, but you thrived. You put a roof over my head and you took care of me in my time of need. After my hysterectomy, YOU were there for me. I was in pain, alone and scared and you came to my rescue.I know we don't talk anymore. It kills me to know I hurt you. If I could take the things I said and did back, I would....But I can't. There's no excuse for my actions. There's no one to blame but me. I love you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lost a true friend. I would give anything to have a coco-lacha with you again.

Gene - Words can't describe what a good friend you are. I'm thankful that you came to 3rd shift. I miss talking to you after work everyday. I miss cooking for you. You are like the brother I always wanted. Your intentions are always good. Its not often that you find someone with a heart as big as yours. You are always there when I need to vent or cry or laugh. I will always try to be there for you when you need me. Your a beautiful person and I love you with all my heart. You need to come out for the weekend....SOON

Frank - I love you and you know how I feel about you. Your my soul mate. But since you don't read my blog, I'm leaving it at that.

Mom - I can't even write about you today without crying because I miss you so much. You've never let me down...I know you can't say the same about me. I'm sorry I was occasionally rotten. I love you & my kids more than anything. I will have to devote an entire Blog-day to you. The best Mom ever!!!

Tyler Hey Hey - I love you. What would I ever do without my Gay???? You have impacted my life more than you know. I can't imagine my life without out you. Don't ever leave Me :)

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