Crack Rocks of Wisdom


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't Be Surprised When Someone Throws You A Piece of Cheese.....

So, last week, my ex when into a "Christian-Living" Program. Which is a christian homeless shelter that is supposed to show you how to live a productive, christian life. I'm all for someone trying to help themselves, But you can't use it as an escape.
He called me the morning he was going to the program. He started out by telling me that in the last few weeks, he has probably spent $500 on crack. I knew he was partying again. You cant spend 14 years with someone and not know when their going off the deep end. He told me the night before, a local crack dealing kept calling him. He said he started by giving him some free rock, Then he would call him daily to see if he needed any. Well. that's a crack dealers job. They call them pushers for a reason. So this kid has been calling him and stopping over because he knows he'll be a good client.
Now my ex is broke and pissed off that this dealer keeps calling (especially since he would love to buy some). So the the night before he's going into the program, he calls the police department and tells them this crack dealer wont leave him alone.. The cops set up a sting operation that night. They give my ex some marked $20s and they have 4 officers staked out in the motel. One officer is in his room. They give him $200 to make a buy. Dealer comes by and gives him the rock and my ex goes back to his room and gives the rock to the undercover. They pull the dealer over a few blocks from the buy. They find a couple hundred and 5-6 bags of rock in his pockets. He is arrested right on the spot.
My ex (feeling like he's just helped mankind) decides to smoke a little weed and pack for the program. about an hour later, banging at his door. Its the cops and they are screaming at him because they didn't find the marked money on the dealer. They begin accusing my ex of ripping them off. They tear apart his room looking for the money. Flipping mattresses, taking everything out of his dresser, just ransacking the hotel room. They don't find the money. So now, they're really pissed and tell him they are going to arrest him.
they take him down to the station. They do the good cop/ bad cop thing. He's in the interrogation room for almost 2 hours. Suddenly a cop comes in and tells him that he's free to go. My ex asks them if they found the marked money. Cops say yes, they found all the marked money. Apparently, the dealer had crotched the marked money. I'm sure he thought something might be up. When an addict goes from buying $40 bags to $200 bags, bells will go off.  Im always amazed at the size of my ex's balls. He was on a very high horse when he was telling me this Insanely Stupid Story. As always, rationalizing his behavior. He was trying to help them and he cant believe he was treated that way. He was just helping his fellow man. 
Here's Whats Wrong With This:
The dealer wouldn't be coming around if he wasn't buying CRACK. THEN he tries to justify being a Rat. Yes, Crack dealers deserve what they get, But to do it because you obviously can't control your own impulses, isn't Nobel. He kept tell me, This doesn't make me a rat, because this guy kept bothering me. I refuse to agree with cracked logic. This dealer is going to know who set him up and this guy isn't going to forget that face that did it. Most of these small time dealers are backed by a big time gang. So what is he thinking? In a few weeks or months, he's going to be out of this program. He's going to be back out into the general area that this occurred and if this dealer sees him strolling down the street, things wont go well for him.
You are not doing the world a favor when your a big part of the problem. A hooker would be out of business if there were no Johns and it's the same for the crack dealers. You can't create a problem for yourself and expect the police or anyone else for that matter, to clean it up for you. My ex was bringing a crack dealer around descent people every time he bought crack. That is what pissed me off worse than him smoking the crack (when I was married to him). He was bringing these scum bags around where my children slept and played. I don't know who is worse.
He just kept saying, but this doesn't make me a rat, right?
If you have to ask, you already know the answer. 
BTW, Make sure to pair that cheese with a nice wine!